The voice behind the veil

22. December 2006, Mohr-Villa Freimann

Event in the year of equal opportunities

Veranstaltungs-Plakat "Die Stimme hinter dem Schleier"

The documentary „Der goldene Käfig steht offen“ by Anne-Kathrin Wetzel gives a striking discription of possibilities and problems of women empowerment in the United Arab Emirates. On december 22nd, 2006 the film was broadcasted at BR Alpha and dicussed in the context of a "Global Understanding" event series in the Mohr-Villa. At March, 8th 2007, International Women's day, a follow up event is planed.


GlobalUnderstanding e.V. Dr. Julia Schmitt-Thiel ------------------------------------ info(at) ------------------------------ Mohr-Villa Freimann Situlistraße75 80939 M Tel +49-(0)89-3243264


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