Insight Dubai Conference 2010

4-8. April 2010, Dubai, UAE

Flyer-Insight-Dubai-2010 (jpg, 314 KB)

Insight Dubai Conference Flyer Insight Dubai Conference is an annual conference held by Dubai Women's College in the UAE uniting 60 female students from universities and colleges around the world with 60 students from DWC to spend an exciting, interactive 5-days conference discussing issues on women's empowerment and women's roles in governance and leadership.
This conference is unique since it has a distinctive Arabic and Islamic theme. It enables each participant to take an active role in simulations, debates and discussions to share their views and learn from one another.

For more information access the web site:


GlobalUnderstanding e.V. Dr. Julia Schmitt-Thiel ------------------------------------ info(at) ------------------------------ Mohr-Villa Freimann Situlistraße75 80939 M Tel +49-(0)89-3243264


Dr. Margit Riedel begrüßt zum Konzert



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